Single-allele chromatin interactions identify regulatory hubs in dynamic compartmentalized domains

The promoters of mammalian genes are usually regulated by multiple distal enhancers that physically act inside distinct chromatin domains. However such domains form and the way the regulatory components within them act in single cells isn't understood. To deal with this we tend to developed Tri-C, a new chromosome conformation capture (3C) approach, to characterize concurrent chromatin interactions at individual alleles. Analysis by Tri-C identifies heterogeneous patterns of single-allele interactions between CTCF boundary components, indicating that the formation of chromatin domains probably results from a dynamic method. Inside these domains, we tend to observe specific higher-order structures that involve concurrent interactions between multiple enhancers and promoters. Such regulative hubs offer a structural basis for understanding, however, multiple cis-regulatory elements act along to determine robust regulation of gene expression.


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